How do I clean my device?

To clean the sensor in Biosense®; On your device select Settings, scroll down to Clean, and select 'Clean'. This process takes approximately 5 minutes to complete and requires your device to be plugged into the charger.

To clean the mouthpiece; Remove the mouthpiece from the device before cleaning by gently squeezing its base and pulling it away from the device. Use a cloth and water to clean your mouthpiece. Do not use cleaning wipes that contain alcohol.

Your device will perform an Autoclean when plugged into the charger after taking a measurement. To quit the Autoclean simply press the check button.

We recommend in order to preserve the performance of the device to clean it once a week.

Biosense® contains a highly sensitive chemical sensor. Solvents like hand sanitizer, nail polish remover, and other aromatics may react with the sensor and interfere with sensor preparation and clearing. If the sensor is affected by environmental solvent exposure or is otherwise unable to adequately prepare, a red indicator will appear on the screen and direct you to run a sensor Clean.

**For troubleshooting longer than expected preparations or continued indications to clean see article titled "Long Preparation"

Maintaining Sensor Performance: To extend the sensor's lifespan and maintain accurate measurements, it's recommended to avoid exposing the Biosense device to the following for at least an hour after use:

  • Consumed food
  • Alcoholic beverages, sodas, or flavored waters
  • Smoking or vaping
  • Using toothpaste or mouthwash
  • Chewing gum or breath mints
  • Aromatics and solvents like cleaners, perfumes, hand sanitizers, or nail polish remover

These substances can compromise the quality of your Biosense device's measurements

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